A warm welcome from everyone at St Augustine’s
St Augustine’s in Vacancy
In our search for a new vicar we are consulting our congregation and local community organisations about their feelings on what we might expect or wish from a new priest. This process has started and will last around a month.
Please participate in this process and take a few minutes to complete our questionnaire at
Alternatively some paper copies are available at the back of the church to be completed and posted in the box provided.
Bring and Share Lunch - 23 February
Please join our Bring and Share Lunch on Sunday 23 February
when there will be an opportunity to ask questions about the appointment process and to express views on what the church should be looking to achieve.
The PCC will reflect on what we’ve heard and put together, by early June, a Mission Action Plan for the next few years, and a Parish Profile which sets out what we are looking for in a new vicar. The process for appointing a new priest will be led by the Bishop, the Archdeacon, and two parish representatives. We don’t know how long this process will take, but we hope it won’t be more than a year before our next vicar is in place.
Our local Food Bank in Mottingham continues to rely on support from St Augustine’s. Donations of tinned and packaged food can be left in the church entrance lobby for onward delivery to the Food Bank. No fresh food please.
St Augustine’s is a responsible, caring church which takes
seriously the care and well being of its users.
Follow the link at the top of the page for details of our
Safeguarding Policy.
There will be no weekday services until Ash Wednesday on 5 March
Next Sunday |
23 February 2 before Lent |
10.00 - Family Eucharist Our celebrant and preacher will be Father Kayode Oyebode |
Sunday 16 February
3 before Lent
Family Eucharist 10.00
We welcome as our celebrant Father Lindsay McKenna